Centre for National Security Studies & India’s Foreign Relations

Core objectives of CNSS & IFR 

The Centre for National Security Studies & India’s Foreign Relations (CNSS & IFR) at ASCI main forte is to focus on issues that impact India’s Internal Security & External Affairs and also examine the interface of emerging Technologies into Public Policy Governance.

Facilitate and Conduct Academic & Policy Research & capacity building of State & Central government officers on national Security & Geo-Politics of India’s immediate neighborhood & Extended neighborhood and also invite Foreign Govts officers for capacity building programs .

Study, analyze and report on the implications of national security challenges and its impact on India’s foreign relations.

Create a common Platform for the Technology experts,  Think Tanks, Academic Institutes, Corporate, and Policy makers &  college  & University Students .

Discuss, debate and disseminate knowledge related to emerging technologies such as AI, IoT, Blockchain and their impact on  India’s National Security Architecture & Algorithmic foreign policy processes. 

Organize National & International Conferences, Seminars, Panel Discussions, Workshops, Training programmes  etc. to achieve the above  objectives

Build National Security & Foreign policy talent pool through Research Internships

Work in collaboration with foreign Govts & International Organizations such the UN & European Union & organization of Islamic Conference & African Union & Latin American countries & BRICS & G 20 & QUAD & SAARC & IMEC etc.

Organize Confidence Building Measures between warring countries / societies/ organizations 

Invite Statesmen of Global repute for building bridges and breaking barriers between countries

Organize Distinguished Lectures by eminent personalities in the field of Security studies & Global Strategic Affairs 

Organize  bi annual events on India’s foreign relations & National Security challenges

Dr. Ramesh Kanneganti

Director & Professor of Practice of the Center for National Security Studies & India’s Foreign Relations

