The Centre trains officers from Regulators, State Governments, PSUs, Bankers, NGOs etc, and has undertaken various projects. The Centre conducts prestigious training programmes like one on “Disbursement Procedures, Financial Reporting and Auditing” sponsored by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) with 65 participants in the past year, with an objective of creating awareness of the best practices in the project implementing agencies of various Government Departments.
The Centre also conducts study tour training programmes like one for the Government of Assam on Financial System, Management & Accountability in Government with Study Tour to Singapore, sponsored by Government of Assam. The Centre conducts Announced Programmes on Anti-Money Laundering and Combating Financing of Terrorism (CFT), Financial Systems, Management and Accountability in Government, Economics and Finance for Bankers, Basic and Advanced Accounting, Finance for Non-Finance Managers and Finance and Leveraging Big Data and Analytics. The Centre was awarded a project on Evaluation Study of Take-Home Ration Project Implemented by the Women and Child Development Department by Directorate of Economics & Statistics (DES), Government of Maharashtra. The Centre is currently working on two evaluation projects namely CLCSS and CGSTME for the Ministry of MSME. The Centre also has demonstrated competencies in the frontier areas of corporate finance and banking domain. The Centre has leveraged its competencies across various training programmes with total 116 participants in the last year.
The Centre conducted training programme on “International Trade Issues” for the officers of the Reserve Bank of India(RBI) and the same was very well received by the banking regulator. The Centre conducts training programmes for executives of state governments like one for Government of Jammu & Kashmir, on “Infrastructure Financing and Contract Management” which was attended by 19 participants and was very well received. The Centre also conducted training programmes for officers of organizations like Tamilnad Mercantile Bank Limited on “Turnaround Strategies for Performance Improvement of Large Branches”. Programmes on “Basic and Advanced Accounting and Finance” sponsored by the Power Grid Corporation of India Limited(PGCIL) have been conducted for various NER states. The Centre has also signed an MoU with PDU-CTRFA, Government of Uttarakhand and conducted training programmes for Government officers of the state.
CEF conducts announced programme on Anti-Money Laundering and Combating Finance of Terrorism(CFT)” for bankers in the country. This very successful programme was attended by officers from Public Sector Banks, Private Sector Banks, Foreign Banks and Co-operative Banks. The popular Announced Programme of the Centre on “Finance for Non-Finance Executives” attracted participants from leading organisations in both public and private sectors. The programmes are well-received by the participants and they were able to gain useful insights.
The Centre was awarded a prestigious project on the development of Financial Bye-Laws, and Tax & Remittance Policy for the Indo-Nepal Bilateral Entity – Pancheshwar Development Authority. The project would contribute to enabling the entity to fund and execute the 5000 MW hydropower project.
The Centre has also converted the Covid-19 pandemic related challenges into opportunities by introducing several online programmes. CEF has designed, launched and conducted a number of online programmes from regulators, state governments and PSUs and the same have also been very well received by participants
- Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Combating Financing of Terrorism (CFT)
- Financial Crime Compliance
- Financial Systems, Management and Accountability in Government
- Economics and Finance for Bankers
- Basic and Advanced Accounting and Finance
- Finance for Non-Finance Managers
- Strategic Finance for Decision Making
- Programme for Independent Directors
- NPA Management
- Financial Bye-Laws, and Tax & Remittance Policy for the Indo-Nepal Bilateral Entity – Pancheshwar Development Authority (PDA)
- Evaluation Study of CLCSS and CGTSME Schemes of the Ministry of MSME
- Evaluation Study of Take-Home Ration Project Implemented by the Women and Child Development Department by Directorate of Economics & Statistics (DES), Government of Maharashtra

Dr. Madhusoodanan P R
Centre Director