Associate Professor
Dr. Snehalatha is an Associate Professor at the Centre for Urban Governance, Environment, Energy and Infrastructure Development at the Administrative Staff College of India (ASCI). She comes with over 24 years of experience in designing, implementing and evaluating research projects in the broad thematic areas of WASH, environment and sustainable livelihoods. The recent ten years of her research were primarily targeted to inform and influence the policy formulation and practices towards achieving inclusive, equitable and sustainable WASH progress.
Dr. Snehalatha obtained her PhD in Extension Education from Acharya NG Ranga Agricultural University, India and she began her professional career in design and implementation of capacity building programs for the rural communities in Andhra Pradesh which focused on participatory approaches of watershed development. Subsequently, she made a conscious choice to pursue her research engagement in the WASH sector and held important positions in completing various research and study projects. By virtue of her experience and positions held in various research projects, she had the opportunity of working with the National Governments, International Nonprofits including the UN Agencies focusing on financial and physical sustainability, resources management, gender equity and human rights aspects related to WASH.
Some of the important research positions held by her include, Impact Advisor for the Rural Urban and Sanitation Transformation (RUST) project to produce evidence based research on sanitation solutions for rapid urbanization (2018-2020); South Asia Regional Advisor for Splash in which she was instrumental in establishing country programs for safe drinking water in India and Bangladesh (2013-2015); Country Coordinator in India for the WASH Cost research project of IRC, The Netherlands (2008-2012) which focused on costs and services of WASH. In recognition of her contribution in WASH Cost project, she was nominated as the Member of working group on Drinking water and sanitation of the 12th Plan formulated by the Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation, Govt of India to develop the five year plan.
She has published over 20 journal and conference papers, 50 Study reports and articles, and co-authored books and extensively contributed to the knowledge building process in the development sector. She is a regular contributor at the global multi stakeholder platforms including the Stockholm Water Week, the World Water Forum, SACOSANs and Sanitation and Water for All global partnership forum. She is also an advisor to several NGOs in Telangana and Andhra Pradesh and currently board member in SAIRD, APARD and Nischinta Foundation which are working for the empowerment of the poor in India.
Dr. Snehalatha
Associate Professor
Centre for Environment, Urban Governance and Infrastructure Development